Personal information
protection policy

Effective date: May 2024
Date of most recent update: 06-05-2024

Mégaburo inc., hereinafter The Company, recognizes the importance of protecting your personal information. This policy explains how we collect, use, store and communicate your personal information.

Personal information is any information that concerns you and that allows you to be identified directly or indirectly (for example, by associating it with other information).

This policy applies to users and persons customers of our websites, applications, services and products, but does not apply not to members of our staff, candidates, and our suppliers.

By providing us with your personal information after you have been informed of this policy, in accordance with applicable laws, you consent the collection, use, conservation and communication of your personal information according to the terms of this policy. Your consent may also be implied in some cases, depending on your reasonable expectations.

We reserve the right to update this policy at any time and such modifications will be effective on the date specified in the modification. You are requested to check regularly whether this policy has been modified. We consider that you have accepted the modifications to this policy if you continue to provide us with personal information after entry changes in force.

What company collects personal information?
Your personal information is collected by the Company on its own behalf. Your personal information may also be collected on our behalf by third parties, for example: technology service providers such as a platform order or newsletter manager, payment service provider as described below.

How is your personal information collected and what information is it?
Your personal information is collected directly from you when you provide them to us, for example:

  • online on our website;
  • by emails you send to us;
  • when you call us;
  • when you chat with us.

In addition to the above, we may also collect information personal for example when you decide to subscribe to a newsletter, to enter a competition or take part in a survey. We collect including the following personal information:
  • Name;
  • First name;
  • Address;
  • Email Address;
  • Phone numbers;
  • Details of communications between you and us;
  • Details about purchases and orders.


The types of personal information we collect depend of several factors and context. We only collect personal information that we consider necessary for conduct of our activities and for the achievement of specific purposes.

Personal information may be collected if it is accessible to the public online, for example, on social media accounts or even as permitted by applicable laws. We can also collect personal information from our business partners or other third parties, provided that these third parties confirm that you have authorized to communicate this information to us or that you expressly consent.

We collect personal information automatically on our websites and applications, which are provided through analytical tools or digital markers. These analytical tools only collect limited set of data, namely the Internet protocol address (IP address), the date and time of the visit, the pages visited, the actions taken on the website, the domain used to access the website, the type and version of the browser or operating system you are using that the website you have just accessed and to which you subsequently go to access. This information is collected using cookies (“cookies”), as more fully described below.

We do not collect any payment card information. THE Payments made on our websites or applications are processed directly by a service provider, who has sole access to the information of the payment card. Online transactions are secure in accordance with to the transmission standards of the service provider, in order to enable secure transmission and processing of transactions, more specifically in accordance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) standard. Payment card information is encrypted time of the transaction.

Personal information is collected for what purposes?

  • provide requested services or information requested by you;
  • process your requests and orders;
  • ship the ordered products;
  • manage billing and process payments;
  • handle and resolve complaints and dissatisfaction;
  • offer personalized recommendations according to the purchasing profile, if you have accepted the installation of cookies;
  • communicate with you in the context of our activities, for purposes internal quality assurance or to manage the quality of the information provided;
  • detect and prevent fraud;
  • for statistical and accounting purposes (in the latter case, the personal information is aggregated and anonymized);
  • inform you of news, updates, information and special offers concerning the Company's services and products, in accordance with so-called anti-spam laws and with your consent express when required;
  • if we have reasonable grounds to believe that they may be useful in the context of an investigation relating to an offense against a federal, provincial or foreign law, or to provide protection or the defense of a legal interest;
  • administer your account or services intended for you, including including rewards programs, sweepstakes and contests;
  • as required or permitted by applicable laws.

In addition to the above purposes, we will notify you of other purposes for which your personal information is collected no later than the time it is collected. If we wish to use your personal information that has been collected purposes that have not been previously communicated to you, we will ask you then your separate consent before using them, unless the laws applicable law allows us to do so without your consent.


What technologies are used that include functions allowing the identification, location or profiling of people?
We may use cookies. Witnesses are fragments of information sent to your computer or mobile device when viewing a website. Witnesses register, temporarily or permanently, on the hard drive of your computer or your mobile device, thus leaving a trace of your visit. When you visit a website, a cookie may be created and preserved, which allows you to be “recognized” each time you check out the website.

Cookies that allow you to be identified, located or carried out your profiling are disabled by default. You must first accept them. You can refuse these cookies, but in such a case you will not be able to benefit from certain functionalities.

Cookies can allow us to analyze your personal preferences, your interests or behavior when you browse the Internet. They allow you to improve your online experience by recording your browsing preferences, to analyze the functioning of our websites, to perform statistical analyzes and recommend content to you.

We will ask you beforehand if you accept or refuse the installation cookies, if these cookies allow you to be identified, located or carry out profiling.

Many major websites use cookies. Most browsers are initially configured to accept them. If you wish, you can change your browser settings so that it notifies you when of receiving a witness or refusing to accept them.

Although you are not obligated to accept cookies, you are possible that certain features of a website may not work correctly if you refuse the installation of cookies. You can consult the following link for an overview of how to block or delete cookies on the most common browsers:

Is it possible to refuse the collection of personal information
You can refuse the collection of personal information about you. However, refusal of such consent may limit our ability to offer you services or sell you products. We will not refuse not comply with a request for a product or service from you if you withhold such consent unless collection is necessary in such a framework. Your consent to us using your information personal for secondary purposes (e.g. for marketing) is not therefore not obligatory.

Do we collect personal information about minors?
We intend to comply with applicable laws regarding privacy minors and advertisements targeting them. We are not looking to collect personal information about minors under 14 years of age without the verified consent of the authority holders parental or guardians. However, if you believe that we do, please let us know. If we ever wish to collect personal information about minors under the age of 14, we will then obtain consent directly from the holders of parental authority or guardians, according to applicable laws.

Will we make decisions based exclusively on automated processing of your personal information?
We do not intend to make decisions based exclusively on automated processing of your personal information.

Who has access to personal information within the company and outside the company?
Only members of our staff who are authorized and who need to have access to your personal information as part of their duties have access to it, for example: the customer service center, the department billing and those responsible for supplying products and customer services. These people only have access to personal information necessary to carry out their tasks.

We will not communicate personal information about you to third parties. (the type of information communicated depends on the situation) only in following cases:

  • you have authorized us to disclose the information to a third party for a specific purpose;
  • third parties who act on behalf of the Company as agents or service providers (for example: service providers IT, hosting providers, marketing solution providers, transport and delivery companies for the products ordered as well that our related companies with which we share services, infrastructure, systems and technologies), and information are communicated to them only within this framework, it being understood that these third parties must respect strict contractual terms which oblige to maintain the confidentiality of all information, not to use them only in this context and not to keep the information upon expiration of the contract;
  • if a person acts as your representative or if we believe reasonably that the person is acting under appropriate authorization (for example guardian, holder of parental authority, etc.) or if it is a person who owns a service or product jointly with you;
  • to satisfy legal requirements;
  • whether we are required to provide personal information in response to a proper order made by a court, to a subpoena to produce documents, an investigation by authorities, or where otherwise required by applicable laws;
  • if the Company ever sells its business or its assets, in whole or in part party, or merges, as required by such a transaction, as well as in the context of due diligence;
  • as required or permitted by applicable laws.


What are the roles and responsibilities of our staff members Who has access to personal information?
Members of our staff are informed by us of their obligation to preserve the confidentiality of personal information and we raise awareness of the importance of protecting the confidentiality of personal information. Members of our staff cannot use personal information only in accordance with the terms of this policy and our other policies.

We have established the roles and responsibilities of our staff members throughout the cycle of processing your personal information, their collection to their destruction in a policy of governance and management of personal information.

What measures are taken to ensure confidentiality and security of personal information?
We implement reasonable security measures of a physical nature, technological and administrative to protect personal information against loss or theft as well as against consultation, communication, unauthorized copying, use or modification. The nature of security measures vary depending on the sensitivity of the information personal data collected, the quantity, distribution and format of the personal information and storage methods. These measures include the following:

  • physical measures, such as locked premises;
  • technological measures, such as an SSL encryption key, a network monitoring software, firewall ;
  • administrative measures, including our security policy some information.


Where is personal information stored and is it possible that they be communicated outside of Quebec?
Depending on the nature of the personal information, it may be kept at the Company's offices, in various Company computer systems or our service providers or in storage facilities of the Company or our service providers.

Your personal information may be communicated outside of the Quebec or Canada, for the purposes described above, which may include collection, use, disclosure or retention.

How long do we keep your personal information?
We also keep the personal information we collect as long as it proves necessary for the achievement of the determined ends, as long as it is reasonable to do so for customer service purposes, for legal or commercial purposes. The length of the conversation depends on the purposes determined and the nature of this information. HAS At the end of this period, the information is destroyed definitive and secure or they are anonymized, in accordance with applicable laws.

What rules apply for websites, applications and social media sites operated by third parties?
Our websites or applications may contain links to websites or third party applications (collectively and individually the “Third Party Sites”) which may cause you to leave our website or application. We provide these links as a convenience.

The Third Party Sites are not under our control, and we therefore have no control over the privacy and confidentiality practices of Third Party Sites. Consequently, any personal information that is transmitted by through Third Party Sites is subject to the privacy policy of these Third Party Sites. It is your responsibility to read it to ensure the protection of your personal information.

We may use Third Party Social Media Sites (for example, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram). Social media accounts are public and are not not exploited by us. If you decide to interact with us through of these Third Party Social Media Sites, you should first review of their privacy policy.

Personal information provided to us is provided through social media accounts are collected in order to capture conversations (e.g. questions and answers, comments, likes, tweets shared) between you and us. They can be used to respond to requests, carry out statistical evaluations as well as for establishment purposes reporting and for all other purposes indicated in this policy.

What are your rights and how can you exercise them?
You have the following rights, all within the limits and in accordance with the terms of applicable laws:

  • view your personal information;
  • rectify or update your personal information;
  • withdraw your consent at any time (withdrawal of consent binds us with respect to the use of personal information based on the consent in question, but will not have an impact on the use based on your consent before its withdrawal);
  • request the deletion of your personal information if it is out of date or not justified for the purposes of collection.


If you request to withdraw your consent to the use, communication and the retention of your personal information, the processing of this request will depend on the situation and the desired goal. Depending on the case :

  • you can withdraw your consent, but we will no longer be able to offer a service or product that depends on it;
  • you cannot withdraw your consent, because the processing of your personal information is necessary or mandatory.


In any case, we may need to retain certain information personnel to comply with our obligations imposed by law.

You may exercise the foregoing rights at any time by contacting with the person responsible for the protection of personal information of the Company (see below).

The request must contain sufficient information for us to be able to treat it. We are committed to responding to requests in a reasonable time and, as far as possible, within thirty (30) days, as provided for in applicable laws. However, we will first have to check the identity of the person making the request.

We will ensure that your personal information is as accurate, complete and up to date as possible for the purposes for which they are used. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that you update your personal information, such as your contact details, from us.

What is the process for handling privacy complaints?
You can file a complaint with the person responsible for data protection. personal information of the Company (see below) if you believe that we fail to comply with our data protection obligations confidential information. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint, may contact you for details, to investigate the complaint confidentially, and inform you of the conclusions of investigation. If your complaint is justified, we will then take action appropriate to correct the situation.

Who can you contact with any questions regarding your personal information and who is responsible for protecting personal information of the Company?
You can contact the person responsible for data protection personnel of the Company to exercise your rights, to ask questions about our practices relating to personal information or to formulate a privacy complaint by email at kEncEmailjogpAnfhbcvsp/db